Nice of you to join me again,

Was going over the application of google them i came across this on,
"Google classroom" was curious to know how it work then i found about it is
a virtual class room where a teacher and a student interact through the internet cool!!!

Have just finish setting up a classroom called support4health.
 Nothing is impossible if you want to achieve anything you have to be creative.

Why am i telling you this?

Most of the people have the information but still have questions and want to learn more.
Have just created this classroom just for you, for you to learn more on health matter sound great.

What are the benefit of the classroom?

You get to learn more and have and interaction one on one with a teacher who will educate you.
You get other like minded people like you who will also help you in the journey of learning.

What next?

You are out there you have an a skill, you can use the google classroom to important your knowledge
in any field.Do not live this world before depositing to other want you have learn.
They say experience is the best teacher and the graveyard is the most rich place in the world.

Do me i favor help me educate the mass on the importance of there health by joining my classroom.

Its all about you, getting the right information and protecting your health cause its real wealth.
I took an oath always to put my patient first and to do want have be trained to do.
That why am doing what i do, my greatest asset is people.
Nothing more nothing less,period.
Writing is a by the way thing cause i put my mind down on people for the whole world to know
some care for them and he is determine to support they health at whatever cost, so help me God.

A lot of people get invented, sick then died!
What if you can prevent that cycle of invent.
I was taught prevention is better than cure.That you try to stop a bad thing from happening.
Very interesting, that why i blog to educate you because i have the information.
People pay for information, that is why we go to school so that we can have knowledge gain skills then get paid for the information.

You can join our classroom using the following link click here 

See you on the other side, lets impart what we have to the next generation.

Most welcome in advance hope will have a create time.

The password after login to google classroom form here is edoxyns.
  • The steps to follow.
  • login in to google browser
  • search for google classroom
  • you can log to support for health using this password  edoxyns
You to can do the small start a classroom and let the world be rich with ideas.
What is stopping you 😄


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