Its so amazing when you are out there in the breeze,just you and the lake.................
You have to admit the view is so beautiful for the point of views it revive many memories when you are just alone in the beach.
Come to think of the water.......roaring up and down a mean the tides knocking your foots as you walk across the sand bare leaving a footprint on the sand reminding you how you have touched many lives and model other....a legacy left behind.......................................................................
Lets say that it the struggle for survival..
Many women in this business to get cheap fish to sell
they have to sleep with the fishermen so as to enhance business evertday
Its not clear how this is done but its a fact and it need to stop.
SEX and FISHING need to be looked at and new ways and solution reached.
If we want to save our life lets stop exploiting women.
HIV AIDS is real