Today we are going to talk about health education as a mean of preventive measures of health.
When someone say this word "health education".What rings in your mind? Try to imagine someone standing infront of an audience and giving a lecture on a given topic....blaaa blaaa...That what is come to all.
Today am going to talk about how you and me can change the worlds health through health education.
As a public health student, am taught to prevent an occurance of a disease before it occur.We majorly look at three main factors.
A) The host
B) The environment
C) The vector
Its from this bases we can come up with a specific topic on a health education.
The major aim of health education is to improve our health and change our thing and behaviours on health matters.
Most of the illness that affect man can be prevented through health education.
Let say an example of malaria disease can be prevented throught;sleeping under a treated mosquito net, clearing bushes,draining stagnant water etc all this can be done through health education.
It cost you nothing,it cheap and effective..i encourage you to go out there and be a health educator and change the world.