

Nice of you to join me again, Was going over the application of google them i came across this on, "Google classroom" was curious to know how it work then i found about it is a virtual class room where a teacher and a student interact through the internet cool!!! Have just finish setting up a classroom called support4health.  Nothing is impossible if you want to achieve anything you have to be creative. Why am i telling you this? Most of the people have the information but still have questions and want to learn more. Have just created this classroom just for you, for you to learn more on health matter sound great. What are the benefit of the classroom? You get to learn more and have and interaction one on one with a teacher who will educate you. You get other like minded people like you who will also help you in the journey of learning. What next? You are out there you have an a skill, you can use the google classroom to important you...


EFFLUENT DISCHARGE LICENCE Come to thinking of paying for disposing of waste, it’s really like heaven and earth. Our environment is our wealth, that’s what I believe and am sure of that. When you consume food the process of digestion takes place where food is broken down into The small piece which the body can utilize for growth, protection, energy, and metabolic activities. When the process is over they the part of the waste, where the unwanted stuff is removed from the body We call it waste. You are forced to remove it from the body in the process called excretion. We go to the toilet period. Those who do not have a toilet do something about it. The municipal council and other private sector help in this sector by coming up with commercial toilet where you pay to get the services of disposing of your waste. The same things happen. When a commercial firm produces waste it’s the work of the government to license for waste. Great, now we are on t...

International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation

Halooo January is almost over, Many people complain about January months, One person told me January is like another year.Hope you got the joke!!! The  month of love here with us. Something that always will never go unnoticed, "The Valentine day". Love in the air 💓💓💓 .February 14th every year it is always painted red all over. wait a minute just before love, we celebrate  this special day.You want to know......? Female genital mutilation is a practice where a girl undergoes REMOVAL of some parts of her private part. Some like painful moment.On February 6th we celebrate International day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation.In a few words we are against the F.G.M practice. My question to you. How will you be bold for change for this practice among girls? Sometimes we never know the implication of Female Genital Mutilation on girls. The key component of ending this practice is behavior change.It can only be achieved when we get the facts right...

Kenya Blogger Awards

HALOO WORLD!!!!! Its a new year, guess one month is almost over. At the start of the year everyone set rules,target and resolution.No one want to remain the same day in day out. Mine its to work on my blog and educate the mass on the importance of good health. I believe real wealth is good health, period nothing less nothing more. I came across this award of B.A.K.E (blogger association of kenya) i thought maybe i can get this award Have started my journey to achieve this award.Back to the drawing board i have a motivation to push me. You can join the club to. I believe the best man to win the wrd if its not me then its you. This is the steps to get the award The BAKE Awards 2018 submission phase is now open The Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) has just announced the launch of the BAKE Awards 2018. The launch coincides with the submission phase of the competition. The annual blogging competition, which is in its 7th year, celebrates the best of Kenyan blogging....

Punguza Kelele:"Cyber Bulling"

Its painful after taking a wonder photo and positing it on your facebook account,you encounter nasty comments......or in other social media like whatsapp,instargram etc. "Seeing the number of suicides linked to bulling broke my heart.Your tweets/memes etc could be the last nail to someone's ready to live with that ?" (quoted from Onyango Adelle kissfm presenter.) Cyberbulling is bulling that take place using electronic technology.Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites,texts messages,chats and websites. Cyberbullying has increased drastically in kenya.Women and children being mostly affected. This lead to facebook creating aweraness on harassement-free online where everyone can feel safe to share and interact.This was on February 9,2016 "Women's safety Global Roundtable". Kenya ICT Action Network involves in regulation and po...


Hallo welcome back. With the health worker strike,election atmosphere "global warming" and the year about to end. We have to do something and very fast.Just heard this from BBC radio.Would like us to know how health is important to end poverty. "How has Peru cut its poverty rate in half in just ten years? Building on decades of economic growth,a policy of inclusive economics has meant many of the poorest in the country have shared in the prosperity created by the boom. Government schemes to extend basic services such as piped water, sanitation and electricity to slum areas, underpinned by social programmes for children, families and the over 65s, have helped to lift 7 million people out of poverty in the last five years alone. Low-income communities have played a vital role in the speed and extent to which this has been rolled out, putting pressure on successive governments through direct action such as protests and roadblocks. But there are problems. Rura...


GIVE ME SOLAR PANEL Hallo The year is about to end. Are you ready for next year? With just three months before the law that compels owners of new buildings to install solar panels for water heater takes effect, an organisation that represents owners of new homes is becoming jittery. The Consumer Federation of Kenya (COFEK), which claims it is speaking on behalf of new home owners, says consumers who have already constructed buildings should not be forced to fit photovoltaic panels. However, those who are already in the process of construction should be encouraged to comply with this law, Cofeks’s Secretary General Stephen Mutoro says. cautious that it does not become too expensive and turns out to be a burden to investors because in the long run the cost will be passed on to the consumer,” says Mutoro. The Electricity Regulatory Commission (ERC) has directed that homes and buildings that are likely to consume more than 100 litres of water must fit solar panels before Ma...