Punguza Kelele:"Cyber Bulling"

Its painful after taking a wonder photo and positing it on your facebook account,you encounter nasty comments......or in other social media like whatsapp,instargram etc.
"Seeing the number of suicides linked to bulling broke my heart.Your tweets/memes etc could be the last nail to someone's coffin...you ready to live with that ?"
(quoted from Onyango Adelle kissfm presenter.)
Cyberbulling is bulling that take place using electronic technology.Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites,texts messages,chats and websites.
Cyberbullying has increased drastically in kenya.Women and children being mostly affected.
This lead to facebook creating aweraness on harassement-free online where everyone can feel safe to share and interact.This was on February 9,2016 "Women's safety Global Roundtable".
Kenya ICT Action Network involves in regulation and policy to combact bulling and  cyber bullying that is affect women,youths and children in Kenya.
In kenya information and communication Act cap 411A has not addressed cyber bullying as an offense.With cyber crime bill 2016 on process we have hope the government will be able to fight cyberbullying once passed to law.
At the mean time, lets join.
#PunguzaKeleleCyberbullying campaign among others to create a safe environment to share and interact using the internet.
Cyber bullying has alot of effect on health just to name afew,it may lead to: mental illness, low self esteem,suicide,use of drugs and alcohol etc.
Its the responsibility of everyone to take action.I need you to help me fight against cyber bulling.
"Bullying is not a reflection of your character or your beauty, no,its a reflection of the bully's damaged character!"
With election next year. We  have to fight cyberbullying which will affect alot of people due to their political stand.Its very important.The women factor to is very crucial.I stand with a girl child rights.Women have been affect mosly due to cyberbullying.
If you are a victim of a cyberbullying like me.Please share your experience with some.Who will help you recovery from it than being hurt alone.
Dont allow someone to bully you.Just block him or avoid them..lets #PunguzaKeleleCyberBullying campaign.Join me on facebook
CyberBullying campaign lets stop
Cyber bullying.
Our health is our wealth.


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