
Showing posts from September, 2015


 THE LAKE VICTORIA VISIT .  Its so amazing when you are out there in the breeze, just you and the lake................. one major problem to make you enjoyment come to an end... The hyacinth all over the lake. Poor lake Victoria its make it look ugly so to speak The main course of this hyacinth is the pollution that is being derived into the lake you and me have a responsibility to make the lake look great again STOP POLLUTING THE LAKE PERIOD Is that hard?  No It is simple like taking a ice cream on a  hot day. Maybe you are wondering how can i play a role in this. " JUST MAKE SURE THAT THE LAKE IS NOT POLLUTED ". Let save the Lake and our natural environment hyacinth.    HYACINTH  Water hyacinth has affected the Lake Victoria and the surrounding neighborhood in the following ways: Transportation as boats are blocked by the weeds Fishing activities are affected due to boat can be access the lake Led to spread of s...


  THE LAKE VICTORIA WITH SEX. Its so amazing when you are out there in the breeze,just you and the lake................. You have to admit the view is so beautiful for the point of views it revive many memories when you are just alone in the beach. Come to think of the water.......roaring up and down a mean the tides knocking your foots as you walk across the sand bare leaving a footprint on the sand reminding you how you have touched many lives and model other....a legacy left behind....................................................................... AM here enjoy the view.WAS thinking fishing activity which is carried out in this lake Victoria has led to the spread of HIV AIDS in this region. Lets say that it the struggle for survival.. Many women in this business to get cheap fish to sell they have to sleep with the fishermen so as to enhance business evertday Its not clear how this is done but its a fact and it need to stop. SEX and FISHI...